This module intends to inform the students on the basic building construction and materials used in the construction of small to medium scale buildings. It focuses on developing an understanding of the principle of the building elements which include the substructure and superstructure and common construction materials such as concrete, masonry, timber, metal, and glass. For each material, this module will describe the manufacturing process, properties, and typical uses of these materials in construction. Students will undergo a series of continuous assessments such as assignments, and tutorial activities to ascertain the objective and outcome of the module is achieved.
Module Coordinator : Mr. Azim Sulaiman
Tutor : Mr. Azim Sulaiman
PROJECT 1. Famous Architect’s Building: Materials Application
This project requires us to study on a specific building by a globally renowned architect; looking specifically into the architectural and structural materials & constructions of the building. Prior to researching on the background of the architect and the design intention of the building, we then compiled all our information onto 2 A3's size poster that also includes the relevant snapshots or images that can support our analysis.
My research subject is The Darling Exchange, Sydney by Kengo Kuma.
As a reflection for this project, I've learnt to not only observe and analyze by text and long paragraphs, but also to do them in terms of visuals and sketches.
Architecture should not only be focusing on design and forms; but should also pay attention to the construction methods and proposed materials that are best integrated with the whole structure,
considering the factors like : Quality, Cost and Time.
PROJECT 2. Construction Detailing of Building Elements
As a group of 5, our final project was an integrated project of our Architectural Studio II Project 2.
We were required to fine tune the proposed construction and materials to better suit with our current context, considering the factor of load distribution and structural integrity. At last, we produced a compilation of technical drawings that portrayed the details and materials of our project.
In this final project, I've enhanced my skills in teamwork moreover on how to keep up with the team's progress alongside the heavy workload of other modules.
This project brought us even deeper into the proper materials and construction methods that we shall apply in our future projects.
I made sure my consistency and independency was on track as I've set a time schedule to ensure that the ongoing assignments run smoothly and finishes in time.
I sharpen my communicating skills by conveying my messages clearly and point out matters with a proper and polite way.
Delivering my ideas and obstacles I faced to my tutor virtually trained me to apply terminologies precisely.
March 2022 was my very first F2F semester for my degree programme in Taylor's University. Throughout 14 weeks of lectures and tutorials, BCM was indeed both a challenging and interesting module that enhanced our knowledge in the very basics of a building : materials and construction.
Looking into buildings abroad and comparing back to how we do them in local context, both projects provided different insights to our knowledge, bringing us through on the proper ways and materials to propose later on. ​
With the excellent platforms implemented by the school such as TIME'S, FACEBOOK, MS TEAMS and etc., we students achieved a seamless interaction with our tutors apart from presenting our ideas and justification to them beyond boundaries.